
Holiday Markets Back at Eastern Market
Holiday Markets are back at Eastern Market in Detroit for all your holiday shopping needs.

Spring Fever Market at Canterbury Village
Canterbury Village’s Spring Fever Market showcases the work of local artists, crafters, cooks, jewelers, musicians and more.

Heat in the Street Opening Weekend – View Photos
View Photos: Dealing with the pandemic and with winter knocking on the door, the city of Northville got creative and launched Heat in the Street.

Decked Out Detroit Launches to Provide Safe Entertainment Options During Winter Months
Bedrock, Detroit’s largest commercial real estate companies, announced its “Decked Out Detroit” initiative, which will launch a four-month plan to support businesses and the community during Michigan’s coldest months by providing safe shopping, dining and entertainment experiences in downtown Detroit.

View Photos: Canterbury Tree Lighting & Market
View photos from the Canterbury Village Tree Lighting & Market on Fri., Nov. 20, 2020.

Royal Oak Offering a Great Holiday Gift Card Promo
The Royal Oak Downtown Development Authority is offering a Holiday Gift Card Promo to help spur the local economy.

Yellow Door Market Opens for Appointments
Berkley’s Yellow Door Art Market is opening shop for appointments only Wednesdays through Saturdays.

Brunch to-go Options for Mother’s Day
With COVID hampering normal Mother’s Day festivities, check out these local specials from restaurants and shops.

Detroit Urban Craft Fair Opens Dec. 6
The Detroit Urban Craft Fair comes to the Masonic Temple for three days featuring over 100 crafters and indie artists and encouraging unique buyer-maker interactions.